Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Perfect Day for a Walk!

Today Grammy and Auntie decided it was a nice day for a walk! They bundled me up in a sweatshirt and silly hat and packed me up in the stroller. The puppies came too! It was Alex's first time using a gentle leader, but Grammy and Auntie say he did a lot better than Bella when she first used it...she kept trying to take it off instead of walking!

We got to see some big kids in our neighborhood too...they wanted to play with my puppies but not me! The puppies we saw while walking just wanted to play with my puppies too...oh bother!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

What will Sunday bring?

My overnight at Auntie Danielle's was fun!  Then church this morning and next I get to go to a baby shower for a new friend!   I'm not really sure what that means, but Grammy and Auntie says we will have fun!  We have a bag full of pink stuff....I hope it's not for me!

After church today, Grammy was telling me and Auntie about Alex's first night at our house.  Bella shared her food with Alex, just like I share with Bella!  Alex had one accident, I offered him one of my diapers, but Grammy didn't think it would fit!

I don't think he liked his kennel very much, because he fussed, scratched and whined until 3:30 am!  (Our clocks must be the same, because I was up then too!)  Grammy let the dogs out and then took Alex into their room, because that's where Bella sleeps.  It didn't work too well, because the puppies thought being together was time to play!  Next Grammy tried taking Alex into Mommy's room to sleep and finally then everyone got to sleep.  Funny thing the morning, Grammy realized she had Bella, Alex was sleeping on the floor by Grampy!  I hope she doesn't mix me up with the dogs!

Alex really hasn't gotten to know my kitty Cleo yet.  I think she's hiding.  Auntie went to find her after church, and she was hiding under the stairs!  Treats worked well to coax her out.  I asked for treats too, but Auntie fed me Apples and Bananas.  

Cleo says hello!

Treats, yum!
When we're at the baby shower, Grampy is taking the puppies to the farm!  I wanted to go to the farm too....but for now, I'm told that babies go to the baby shower.  Sigh

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Learning the Daily Routine

Bella continues to teach Alex how things go at the Hartung household!

Waiting for Grampy to come up from downstairs

Watching Grampy teach Alex the yard boundries

Alex and Bella helping with my bath and eating the water!
Mommy's out of town visiting friends tonight, so I get to have a slumber party with Auntie Danielle!  Time to get packed up!

Alex is settling in!

My newest friend Alex is settling in well! Bella is showing him the sights around the yard. Since they're busy, think I'll take my afternoon nap...yawnnnnnnnnnnnn.

Bella introduces Alex to the neighbors

Alex comes to visit!

Today, one of Bella's litter mates came to stay with us for a while! His name is Alexander! His Mommy and Daddy just had a new baby and wanted him to be able to stay with people who would give him lots and lots of attention...someone must have told them how much attention my Bella gets! Here are my puppies playing together!

Bella showing off her!

Sit....stay puppies!

Hello Alex!